Sunday, March 6, 2011

Survival of the Fittest

This post has no picture- doesn't need one. It's all about who's at the top of the food chain, so to speak, and that, at this particular moment, at this particular place, is me.

Bottom line- we have ants. I know you guys want to hear about Chile, but I have to say that right now the little black Chilean beggers are driving me crazy. The only good thing about Chilean ants is that they are not too small, black, and don't really bite to badly.

The word for ant in Spanish is "hormiga", and the verb "to curse" is "maldecir", so lets just say, because I know these two words, that I am cursing, in an oh so polite way, these little vermin.

Richard is off to the store to get some spray. Now I know that some of you think that's probably pretty harsh, since they are probably just coming in for water (Chile is ONE DRY PLACE!), and that the good Lord created ants, but I think of it another way.

God created ants, but he also created the guy who invented Raid, and then he created me, who uses the Raid, Survival of the Fittest and Evolution and all of that stuff, rolled into one tight little ant- free package.

Don't forget- say "Maldicion" if you get really mad next time. Doesn't it sound so much better than all of that other stuff?