Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pan de Pascua, and other Christmas treats

OK, it's a little different here for the holidays because the air is warm (not really as hot as it has been, for some reason), the days are long and the stores are not too decorated. There are some decorations out in local establishments, but that has only come about in recent years because of the expats, I believe. Try listening to "Let It Snow" in English when it's 85 outside. "Oh, the weather outside is frightful.....". WHAT????

Let's talk about Pan de Pascua. This is bread-like cake, not too different from a fruitcake, I suppose, and it is only eaten at the holidays. OK, people, these poor Chileans really LIKE this stuff! We bought one from the grocery and it was crumbly dry. It says to put some sort of alcohol on it, and well, YES! It would be the only ingredient that was eatable! I am sure that if Chileans built their houses out of these brick-like forms that the casa would hold up under ANY earthquake.

I am including a link for a recipe, so, if any of you really are stumped as to what to get those most HATED and GRUMPY people on your list- this is your ticket!


Next- Cola de Mono.

I thought this was a cola drink of some sort, but it translates into "tail of the monkey". It's, again, only served at the holidays, and tastes like a thin version of Bailey's. I heartily give this drink my two thumbs up.

Here is a recipe, if you don't have time to rush right out and get this little bottle of joy.

So, peoples, go to a liquor store and ask for Cola de Mono. I cannot wait to hear the report of the look they give you. Try to find someone that speaks Spanish. It will be a good look!

While you're there at the liquor store, see if they have pisco, make yourself a pisco sour and drink that. Get the 80 proof stuff, and you won't care what the heck that ole pan de Pascua tastes like! OLE!