Sunday, February 13, 2011

Frutas y verduras

It's HOT, folks, but heat grows veggies and fruits, and I am showing you one example of HUGE! This onion was purchased instead of TWO, so it was plenty large enough for two recipes. We're getting loads of yummy peaches, raspberries, blueberries, enormous cucumbers, really red juicy tomatoes and others. They have so many raspberries here that they just juice the things. That seems like sacrilege to me, but it is tasty!
PS- The onion was really cheap. I think it was about 60 cents.

Richard on stage- EVERYWHERE!

So my sister, Patti, and brother in law, Jim, came in for a week after the holidays. We took them everywhere, but one place was a dinner theater with a dancing show of typical Chilean dances. Well, they pull up people to "join" them onstage to dance. We were TOTALLY in the VERY BACK, and what do you know- them come back and pull Richard up on stage. He's a good sport, so he's last up and this really cute little girl in the traditional coconut bra costume pulls his shirt off and rolls up his pant legs and has him undulating to some Easter Island hip shimmy thing! It was great, and everyone was laughing ALONG with Richard, and, of course, not AT him!

The next DAY(!!) we're in the plaza towards downtown, and a local comedian pulls Richard into the circle and starts to give his little performance. He is, of course, making fun of all of us that do not speak Spanish. Richard, again, was a great sport, and we all again laughed and were so glad it was HIM instead of US!