Saturday, October 30, 2010

Aren't we cute!

For all of you that want to see our smiling faces- here we are at a party. For all of you tht don't care- just move one to the next post. This is for our relatives.

Tree identification- who knows

Your guess is as good as mine. As usual, the winner of this identification challenge gets a brand new "nothing but the satisfaction of being really bright" award. Or having wwwaaaayyy too much time on their hands, if that's you, mom! You know love you!!!! HEE HEE
Being Halloween, maybe it's one of those pods things that grown new people that will populate and inherit the world. NOW who has too much imagination or time on their hands?

What happens when you put up the winter clothes....

It is still snowing in the mountains. There can be only one reason for that- I put up the winter clothes. Not only did I put them up, but I washed, dried and folded them neatly, and changed their location to another room. The very next day- RAIN here, which translates to snow in the mountains.

Doesn't that make the prettiest picture? Look quickly, as it will all be gone tomorrow, and we'll not be able to see the mountains for the smog. Sigh...

Feliz cumpleaƱos a Ricardo!

OK, for those of you who REALLY know Spanish, I don't know how to make the exclamation point at the first of then sentence on this English keyboard, so don't tell me I left it off- I know.

NEXT- for Richard's birthday, we asked a few of our friends and his co-workers to come to dinner at this little Mexican food dive we like. It was all good fun. I took a few pictures, but most were blurry. It could have been the camera, but I suspect that the quality was directly related to the number of very strong margaritas we consumed in "honor" of the day Richard was born. After eating and drinking for hours, the staff wanted our table for the next guests, so we almost missed the real mariachi band that desperately wanted to play "Feliz Cumpleanos a Tu" for all of the gringos that looked like they would tip well. Ah, they were denied because we were whisked out the door as they started. Oh well, hopefully it was someone elses birthday and those folks had deep pockets.

Doesn't the birthday boy look happy?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Eat, drink and be merry, ah, heck, just DRINK!

This web address says it all about the drinking here. People, of all ages, just LOVE their alcohol!

Read and try to duplicate, if you dare! Do try to go out and buy a Carmenere Wine of any brand- it's one of Richard's favs.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What the heck is THIS?

These trees are in bloom in Santiago right now, and I have no idea what they are. The tree is very tall with these blooms all over them. Aren't they pretty! My friend and I "borrowed" this off one of the trees and I brought it home. With my luck it's probably poisonous..... ACKKKkkkkkkk...... (simulated choking sounds)